Policies and Procedures#

Fundamental SKA Software & Hardware Description Language Standards#

These standards underpin all SKA software development. The canonical copy is held in eB, but the essential information is here:

Software Product Quality Assurance plan#

This Software Product Quality Assurance Plan (SPQAP) defines the Quality Assurance requirements and management activities for the development of software by the Agile Development Teams through the PSSC Contracting arrangements, and the delivery of the software by the SKAO.

This document is a mapping to the SKA Product Quality Assurance (PQA) Plan, that describes the roles and responsibilities of the SKAO and the Contractors and provides an itemised response to the Product Quality Assurance Management, and the PQA Requirements sections.

Software Development Security Policy#

Most of the software used for the control and operation of the SKAO telescopes will be developed by SKA Community members and contributors. To ensure the smooth operation of the SKAO and minimise the risk of software vulnerabilities, information security must be incorporated within the software development lifecycle of SKAO software. This document describes how this must be achieved.

Definition of Done#

The definition of done is used to guide teams in planning and estimating the size of stories and features:

Incident Management#

The incident management workflow is used to guide teams in dealing with anomolous conditions that lead to some form of service outage, unexpected system behaviour or degraded system performance: